Bets & Betting Plan Summary Tabs

The Bets and Betting Plan summary tabs are displayed alongside the Selections list if the associated Market has a bet plan attached to it.
It will not be displayed, however, if the Manual Trading Screen has been enabled. In this case bets are displayed on the main tabbed panel.
The Betting Plan tab displays a summary of the plan settings and values. This tab also includes a “Cancel” button which can be used to cancel the bet plan.
It also has a “Modify” button. If you click the Modify button then the plan values will be copied to the New Bet Plan tab.
The plan can then be changed by you and re-attached to the market if required. If the name of the bet plan is known then this will be displayed in the Strategy section
The Bets tab displays what bets have been placed on the market and their current status (matched, unmatched, etc.).
This tab enables you to monitor the progress of the plan. If this tab is blank then the conditions required to place Bet1 have not yet been achieved.
The bets information is displayed in different colours depending on the status of the bet:
Green – bet fully matched.
Orange – bet partially matched.
Yellow – bet unmatched.
Grey – bet cancelled.